Improving mining productivity: Is process mineralogy one of the keys?
August 1, 2014AusIMM Melbourne Branch Distinguished Speaker Lunch 2015
February 27, 2015MinAssist is proud to announce sponsorship of Minerals Engineering International’s (MEI) 3rd International Symposium on Process Mineralogy (Process Mineralogy ’14) to be held in Cape Town on November 17-19, 2014. The 2 years since Process Mineralogy ’12 has seen a dramatic change in the landscape for process mineralogy tools and we are looking forward to being part of the new developments that are taking us into the future. The rapid development of new automated mineralogy systems, such as the TESCAN TIMA and Zeiss Mineralogic Mining means that process mineralogy is more accessible than ever to research institutions, laboratories and operating sites and we are looking forward to hearing about how that is translating into everyday use of mineralogical information.
The MEI conferences are always an excellent mix of technical and applied presentations with plenty of opportunity to catch up with speakers and delegates through the day or over a beer in the evening. We look forward to hearing keynotes from Prof Bernd Lottermoser of the University of Exeter and Prof Pertti Lamberg of the Lulea University of Technology, along with a packed program covering all aspects of process mineralogy from quantitative mineralogy to geometallurgy and advanced process control. The program is already looking great with the work presented ranging well outside the standard automated mineralogy tools and across the value chain from ore characterisation to environmental analysis.
We would like to thank the MEI team for the opportunity to support this exciting event. I will be attending and will look forward to catching up with everyone in Cape Town.