
December 12, 2017

Working with High-Dimensional Data Part 4: Classifying Unknown Samples using Machine Learning Principles

In the previous articles in this series (part 1, part 2, and part 3) we’ve been performing analyses on an example high-dimensional […]
December 5, 2017

Working with High-Dimensional Data Part 3: Geospatial Mapping and Mine Planning

  In part 1 of this introductory series about working with high-dimensional data we looked at dimensionality reduction to allow the visualisation […]
November 14, 2017

Working with High-Dimensional Data, Part 1: Dimensionality Reduction

Mineral exploration, mining, ore processing, and, more generally, earth science research, involves the collection of large and complex data sets where single […]
January 26, 2016

From Paragenesis to Processing: Geological Reconstructions Carry Implications for Mineral Processing

  This case study briefly highlights the potential to derive, in an approximate sense, likely processing behaviour from geological reconstructions. In turn, […]

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