This week, ZEISS released the latest automated mineralogy system to hit the market; Mineralogic-Mining. Mineralogic-Mining combines a scanning electron microscope with one […]
Following on to the conclusion of another successful MEI conference, Flotation ’13, some interesting comments and feedback have emerged that highlight the […]
Friday 11th October saw the Cornish Institute of Engineers celebrate 100 years of promoting engineering excellence in Cornwall with a day-conference […]
Over the last few months, MinAssist has progressively launched a series of “Operational Health Checks” that have been developed as suite of off-the-shelf […]
Developers and operators of mining and mineral processing operations face constant challenges to become more efficient, whilst at the same time being […]
Liberation measurements estimate the volumetric grade distribution of a mineral as a measure of the quality in a processing stream (Spencer and Sutherland, 2000). Put simply, it is based on the area % of the mineral grain in the particle